Tuesday, May 27, 2008

One little, Two little, Three little Indians?

I am now working on my third little "Indian". I am six weeks pregnant, and due on or about Jan. 18. So far, this has been the easiest pregnancy yet. I have not been sick, which is a complete novelty. I have been more irritable some days, but not everyday, and am usually just tired. I feel great most of the time. I would have a dozen kids if all of my pregnancies were like this (just kidding). Jay is ecstatic. He has been wanting a baby at our house since my friend, Crystal, had a baby (about three months ago). He keeps telling me that he needs a little baby to hold because Leslie is too wiggly now, and she won't stay on his lap. Never was a truer word spoken. Not only can she get off his lap, she can get on and off the couch he is sitting on. He is not strong enough to keep her there, and it would only make her mad anyway. She has finally decided that using her feet as a means of transportation is not such a bad thing after all. I still have to hold one hand, but she doesn't really need it. I have seen her take two steps without help, but as soon as she gets the feeling that you are going to withhold support, she sits down. She will stand without help, and it won't be long before she decides that mom is too slow, and "move back, I will do it myself". Right now, her fastest means of transportation is her power crawl. She puts her head down and takes off like a shot. She has only run into a few things, and is always very upset that the wall (or whatever) got in her way. If she bumps her head, she cries for a minute, and goes back to whatever she was doing. She is very determined to do whatever Jay is doing. She goes up to the top of the slide, and then changes her mind. JT has sent her down a few times with me at the bottom, but she isn't a big fan of that yet. She prefers to be on a lap. She has also started to feed herself with a spoon. The food gets in her mouth half of the time, and she eventually gives up and goes back to the old standby, her hands.

Jay is playing everything he can get his hands on from the computer to baseball. He loves it when JT comes home early (before the sun sets) and can play outside with him. He has a few friends that live close, and can always convince them to come and play with him. He hasn't yet discovered that his friends don't always want to play the same game that he wants to play, and we have had a few discussions about making choices, but he has yet to grasp the concept. Jay is so cute with Leslie. He will always check on her for me, and loves going in to 'rescue her' after her nap. She is always glad to see him, and greets him with a huge smile and a squeal. He also takes care of her in the car. If she is tired of sitting, or just bored, and starts to cry, Jay will put his fingers in his ears (so he can't hear the crying) and sing to her until she stops. It usually works very quickly, and we sing all the way home. He also lets me know if she is getting into something that she shouldn't be (aka: the garbage, DVDs, whatever he is playing with, you get the idea). He has started helping her walk. I will have one hand, and Jay will hold onto the other one to help her. This usually doesn't last long, since he doesn't have the patience to go her speed.

JT has just finished his third year, and his last medical school test. All he has left now are the board exams. He has this week off to study, and will start a four week pediatric/ER rotation on Monday. He is going to be spending most of his free time for the next 4-6 weeks studying for the United States Medical Licencing Exam (USMLE) Step 2 exam which he is planning to take in July. I might take the kids to Utah for a few weeks to give him uninterrupted study time, but we haven't made any plans yet.


Meli T said...

Congrats on the newest edition! With a big brother like Jay you could probably do as many as you want. We hope Sawyer is as good to his siblings as Jay is. For now we just hope he doesn't eat his baby cousin when he comes to visit.
Can't believe how mobile Leslie is. I'm dreading the day that Sawyer realizes he can let go of whatever anchor he's grasping.
We hope you and JT do well with all the upcoming excitement and hopefully we'll run into you in UT if you make it out.

Kelsy Thomson said...

So exciting! Congrats from us, too. If things work out correctly, Mason and his new baby cousin could have the same birthday. We miss you guys tons and hope to see you soon. It will be great having you around for a little while here. Mason is starting to get so fascinated with little kids, so it ought to be interesting to see how he interacts with Jay and Leslie. He will probably wonder what that stuff is on top of their heads and why he doesn't have any.

Natalie R. said...

How exciting, Congrats!!!
Good luck to James on Step 2. It's fun to hear the rundown on the family. We should plan a Manhattan trip sometime soon :-)

Orme Family said...

We are SOOOOO excited for you to have another baby in the family. Babies just keep getting better and better I have decided. I don't take for granted how special and sweet they are anymore. I hope you go to Utah for part of the summer, I will totally meet up with you. WOW! It seems like just yesterday you told me you were having a baby girl....Leslie. We miss you guys. Dave takes step two in July too. Keep in touch.

Joel and Crystal said...

Can't wait to see the 3rd one! We love you guys and miss you!

beth said...
